Whether You Are Raising Awareness, Selling Your Products Online Or Preparing To Speak Live On-Stage...
Discover How The Right Website Will Help You Build Credibility, Improve Brand Awareness, Generate More Leads And Sell More Products Or Services
Ask About Our $78/mo
Full Service Support Package!
We'll Make All The Adjustments and Tweaks You Need
We'll Add And Remove Content Whenever You Need
We'll Redesign Pages And Update Your Content As Often As You Need
We'll Do A Complete Website Redesign At No Extra Charge For As Long As You Remain Enrolled
*This program does not some online store scenarios or some additional new custom coding scenarios.
Pick The Custom Website Category Below That Best Describes What You Are Needing
The Era Of The Traditional Static
Flat Website Is Over...
In some markets they are dying a slow death while in others, they are already dead! These ancient artifacts have been replaced by Custom Smart Websites with a purpose. Fact is that most custom sites need to have a plan for building authentic relationships in order to be effective, and this plan usually takes the form of relationship building funnels or a product sales funnels.
What is a funnel and how does it work you ask? Well, a lot of that depends on the type of company
you own and the types of products or services you offer. There are certain types of smart websites and funnels for Authors, speakers, coaches and consultants... and even more different types of smart websites and funnels for services-based businesses...

We Love Our Clients and They Love Us Back!

Dennis Chamberland has a step by step, holistic and heartfelt approach to doing business. Dennis helped us define and implement a marketing strategy and then tied it together with our brick and mortar Shoppe, social networks, the media and our Community. Dennis has increased our visibility, improved our internet rankings and continues to work with us to increase our successes. We couldn't do this without him! He's also a really nice guy with a lot of patience and a lot of ability!

I hired Dennis to help develop an updated website for my company. I found Dennis through the WIX website list of service providers. After talking with Dennis it was clear that he was the right man for the job. He understood my need for a give-and-take process in developing my website and was full of ideas and suggestions along the way. He kept the project on schedule without pushing me to get something out I didn't like. He fielded hundreds of e-mails from me and spent hours on conference calls without a complaint. In the end the website looked great.

My experience working with Dennis to develop my website was exceptional. I gave Dennis some ideas of what I wanted and a color palette to work with and he creative a wonderful, professional looking website that I have received many positive compliments on. Dennis was always prompt for meetings, easy to work with, and very knowledgeable of the elements needed to create a successful website that will attract clients.
I recommend Dennis with a full five stars to anyone looking to create a website.