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Welcome To Our Client Portal!  The Series of Questions Below Are Designed To Provide Critical Information That Will Be Used In The Initial Design Process Of Your New Website.  

If you have an existing WIX account, please answer the following questions:

If you have an existing website, please answer the following questions:

Do You Want Us To Optimize Your New Website With Google?

In order to optimize your new website with google, we are required to provide the site owners gmail username and password as a a way for google to verify you as the actual website owner

What are you expecting from your new website?

What are the top 3 actions you are wanting people to take when they visit your website?

What are the HEX#'s for your top 3 color palette choices that you want to anchor your new website?

(go to this website to select your HEX#'s:

What pages are you wanting to display on your navigation bar?

Please upload any logo files you have that we're gonna need to incorporate into your new website

Upload File
Upload File

Please share your top 3 favorite websites that have functionality you would like to see in your new website. Please tell us what you like about each: 

When you click this button below, you'll be taken to our scheduling app where you'll select a date and time for us to go over your answers in detail over the phone.

© Copyright 2020 Affordable Custom Websites.  A Division of ACW Client Services.  All Rights Reserved.


Site Optimization By:  Affordable Custom Websites

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